नीलाम्बर-पीताम्बर विश्वविद्यालय, मेदिनीनगर, पलामू, झारखण्ड
Nilamber-Pitamber University, Medininagar, Palamu, Jharkhand

Examination Notices

Extended Examination Form Filling-up schedule of Semester-II (Session 2023-27) and Semester-III (Session: 2022-26) under NEP-20 curriculum

Extended Examination Form Filling-up schedule of UG Part-II (All Vocational Course) Session: 2022-25 and backlog

Practical Examination Programme for L.L.B. Semester-IV and Semester-VI Examination-2024

Admit Card of UG Semster-I (Second Generic) and GE-2 Business Organization of UG Semester-I backlog examination may be downloaded. Examination are going to be held on 27/06/2024 Second Sitting 1:30 PM to 4:30PM.

Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com Semester-I (Second Generic) Examination-2024

Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com (hons./Gen.) Semester-II CBCS backlog Examination-2024

Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com Semester-II CBCS Second Generic Examination-2024

Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com Semester-III CBCS Second Generic Examination-2024

Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com Semester-I [Session: 2023-27]

The examination of Zoology CC-8 and कार्यालयी हिन्दी (SEC-2)of UG Semester-IV (Hons) Rescheduled.

Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com (hons./Gen.) Semester-I Backlog [Session: 2022-26]

Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com (hons./Gen.) Semester-III CBCS Backlog Examination-2024

Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com (Hons./Gen.) Semester-IV CBCS (Second Generic) Examination-2024

Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com Semester-I (Second Generic) Examination-2024

Examination Programme for MBBS 3rd year, Part-I supplementary [Session: 2019-23]

Extended Examination Form Fill up schedule of U.G. Semester-I [Session: 2023-27] under NEP-20 Curriculum

Examination Programme for M.A. Mass Communication Semester-III [Session: 2020-22]

Revised Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com Semester-II [Session: 2022-26]

Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com (hons./Gen.) Semester-IV CBCS [Session: 2021-24] and backlog Exam-2024

Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com Semester-II [Session: 2022-26]

Extended Examination Form Fill up schedule of U.G. Semester-I [Session: 2023-27] under NEP-20 curriculum

Examination Form Filling-up Schedule of B.Sc. (Nursing) 1st Year [Session: 2022-26] Exam-2023

Examination Programme for MBBS 1st Year Practical (Batch-2022 Session: 2022-26)

Examination Centre for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Part-II Vocational [Session: 2021-24] and Old Course Examination-2023

Examination Centre for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Hons./Gen.) Semester-VI [Session: 2020-23 and backlog], B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Semester-I (All backlog) and B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Semester-I (Second Generic) Examination-2023

Examination Form Filling-up schedule of P.G. Semester-III [Session: 2021-23 and backlog]

Examination Form Filling-up schedule of B.Pharmacy Semester-I [Session: 2022-26]

Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Part-II (old course and vocational) Exam-2023

Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Semester-I (All backlog) Exam-2023

Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Semester-I (Second Generic) Exam-2023

Examination Programme for B.Tech Semester-I, II, III, IV, VI and VIII Exam-2023

Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com (Hons./Gen.) Semester-VI CBCS [Session: 2020-23] and backlog Exam-2023

Examination Form Filling-up schedule of U.G. Semester-VI [Session: 2020-23 and backlog]

Examination Programme for L.L.B. IVth Semester [Session: 2021-24]

आगामी 11.11.2023 से होनेवाली M.C.A. Semester III [Session: 2021-23] की परीक्षा अपरिहार्य कारणों से स्थगित की जाती हैं।

Examination Programme for M.C.A. Ist Semester [Session: 2022-24]

Examination Programme for B.Ed. Ist Semester [Session: 2022-24]

Examination Programme for M.B.A. VIth Semester [Session: 2020-22]

Examination Programme for M.C.A. IIIrd Semester [Session: 2021-23]

Examination Programme for L.L.B. IInd Semester [Session: 2022-25]

Examination Programme for L.L.B. IVth Semester [Session: 2021-24]

Notice Regarding conducting Internal/Practical Exam of U.G. Semester-IV [Session: 2021-24]

Notice Regarding conducting Internal/Practical Exam of U.G. Semester-II NEP [Session: 2022-26]

Notice Regarding conducting Internal/Practical Exam of P.G. Semester-III [Session: 2021-23]

Notice Regarding conducting Internal/Practical Exam of P.G. Semester-I [Session: 2022-24]

Notice Regarding conducting Internal/Practical Exam of U.G. Semester-IV [Session: 2020-23]

Examination Programme for M.B.A. IIIrd Semester [Session: 2021-23]

Examination Programme for M.Ed. 1st Semester [Session: 2021-23 and 2022-24]

Examination Programme for M.B.A. Ist Semester [Session: 2022-24]

Examination Programme for M.Ed. IIIrd Semester [Session: 2020-22]

Examination Programme for L.L.B. VIth Semester [Session: 2020-23]

Examination Form Filling-up Schedule of B.Sc. (Nursing) 2nd Year [Session: 2021-25]

Examination Form Filling-up Schedule of MBBS 1st Year [Session: 2022-26]

Examination Form Filling-up Schedule of LLB Semester-VI [Session: 2020-23]

Examination Form Filling-up Schedule of LLB Semester-II [Session: 2022-25] and LLB Semester-IV [Session: 2021-24]

Examination Form Filling-up schedule of B.Ed. Semester-I [Session: 2022-24]

Examination Form Filling-up schedule of P.G. Semester-I [Session: 2022-2024] and backlog

Examination form filling-up schedule of UG Semester - I to IV [Session: 2018-21 and 2019-22] (Generic Paper)

Extended Examination Form Filling-up schedule of BDS - I year [Session: 2022-26] and BDS - II year [Session: 2021-25] Exam

Extended Examination Form Filling-up schedule of BDS - III year [Session: 2020-24] and BDS - IV year [Session: 2019-23] Exam

Examination form filling-up schedule of UG Part- II All Vocatinal Course (Session- 2021-24)

Examination form filling-up schedule of UG Part- III All Vocatinal Course (Session- 2020-23)

Examination Schedule for B.Ed. 2nd (Final) Year Practical Exam-2023 [Session: 2021-23]

Examination form fill us schedule of UG Semester-I (All Backlog)

Examination form fill us schedule of UG Part-II (All Backlog)

Examination Programme for L.L.B. 3rd Semester [Session: 2021-24] Exam-2023

Examination Programme for L.L.B. 6th Semester [Session: 2019-22] Exam-2023

Examination Programme for L.L.B. 1st Semester [Session: 2022-25] Exam-2023

Examination Programme for L.L.B. 5th Semester [Session: 2020-23] Exam-2023

Corrigendum - B.A./B.Sc./B.Com (Hons./Gen.) Semester-III CBCS [Session: 2021-24] and backlog Exam-2023 scheduled on 31.08.2023 (Thursday) is postponed.

Revised Examination Programme for B.Ed. IInd year [Session: 2021-23] Exam-2023

Extended Examination Form Filling schedule of L.L.B. Semester-V and L.L.B. Semester-VI [Session: 2019-22]

Partial modification of examination programme of PG Semester-II [Session: 2021-23]

Examination form filling schedule of L.L.B. Semester-I [Session: 2022-25] and L.L.B. Semester-III [Session: 2021-24]

Examination form filling schedule of L.L.B. Semester-V [Session: 2020-23] and L.L.B. Semester-VI [Session: 2019-22]

Examination form filling schedule of M.C.A. Semester-VI [Session: 2018-21 and 2019-22] and M.C.A. backlog Semester-IV, V and VI

Examination Programme for B.Ed. IInd Year [Session: 2021-23] Exam-2023

Examination Programme for M.A./M.Sc./M.Com. Semester-II [Session: 2021-23] and Backlog Exam-2023

Examination Programme for MBBS IIIrd Year [Session: 2019-23] Exam-2023

Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com (Hons./Gen.) Semester-III CBCS [Session: 2021-24] and backlog Exam-2023

Revised Examination Programme for B,Sc. Nursing 1st Year supplementary [Session: 2020-24] and Regular [Session: 2021-25] Exam-2023

Examination Programme for B.Sc. Nursing Ist Year supplementary [Session: 2020-24] and Regular [Session: 2021-25] Exam-2023

Examination Programme for B.Sc. Nursing IInd Year supplementary [Session: 2019-23]

Examination Programme of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com (Hons./Gen.) SemesterV CBCS [Session: 2020-2023] and backlog Exam-2023

Practical Examination Programme of MBBS 1st Year Supplementary (Batch-2021 Session: 2021-25)

Examination Form Filling schedule of B.Ed. IInd Year [Session: 2021-23]

Extended Examinations Form Fill up schedule of U.G. Semester-III [Session: 2021-24 and backlog] Exam-2023

Extended Examinations Form Fill up schedule of P.G. Semester-II [Session: 2021-23 and backlog] Exam-2023

Extended Examinations Form Fill up schedule of U.G. Semester-I [Session: 2022-26] Exam-2023

Examination Programme for MBBS IInd Year Special Exam [Session: 2019-23]

Examination form filling schedule of U.G. Semester-V [Session: 2020-23 and backlog] Examination-2023

Examination form filling schedule of MBBS IIIrd year [Session: 2019-23] Exam-2023

Examination Programme for MBBS IInd Year Special Exam [Session: 2019-23]

Examination Form filling schedule of B.Sc. Nursing IInd Year Supplementary [Session: 2019-23]

Examination Programme for MBBS Ist Year Supplementary [Session: 2021-25]

Extended Examinations Forms Fill up Schedule of P.G. Semester-II [Session: 2021-23 and backlog] Exam-2023

Extended Examinations Forms Fill up Schedule of U.G. Semester-I [Session: 2022-26] Exam-2023

Revised Examination Form Fill up schedule of U.G. Semester-III [Session: 2021-24 and backlog] Examination-2023

Extended Examinations Forms Fill up Schedule of U.G. Semester-III [Session: 2021-24 and backlog] Exam-2023

Extended Examinations Forms Fill up Schedule of P.G. Semester-II [Session: 2021-23 and backlog] Exam-2023

Extended Examinations Forms Fill up Schedule of U.G. Semester-I [Session: 2022-26] Exam-2023

Examination Programme for MBA Semester-2 [Session: 2021-23]

Examination Programme for MBA Semester-3 [Session: 2022-22]

Examination Programme for MCA Semester-2 [Session: 2021-23]

Examination Programme for M.Ed. Semester-2 [Session: 2020-22]

Examination Programme for MCA Semester-3 [Session: 2020-22]

Extended Examinations Forms Fill up Schedule of U.G. Part-1 Vocational [Session: 2022-25] Exam-2023

Extended Examinations Forms Fill up Schedule of U.G. Semester-III [Session: 2021-24 and backlog Exam-2023

Examination form fill up schedule of UG Semester-I [Session: 2022-26] Examination-2023

Examination form fill up schedule of MBA Semester-II [Session: 2021-23] and MBA Semester-III [Session: 2020-22] Examination-2023

Examination form fill up schedule of MCA Semester-II [Session: 2021-23] Examination-2023

Revised Examination Form Fill up schedule of U.G. Semester-III [Session: 2021-24 and backlog] Examination-2023

Revised Examination Form Fill up schedule of P.G. Semester-II [Session: 2021-23 and backlog] Examination-2023

Examination form filling schedule of P.G. Semester-II [Session: 2021-23] Examination-2023

Examination form filling schedule of U.G. Semester-III [Session: 2021-24] Examination-2023

Examination form filling schedule of U.G. Part-I vocational [Session: 2022-25] Examination-2023

Examination form filling schedule of MBBS 1st year (supplementary) Exam [Session: 2021-25]

Examination Programme for M.D.S. Exam-2022 [Session: 2019-22 (Final year)]

Examination Programme for B.D.S. Anuual Exam.

Examination Programme for M.D.S. Exam-2022 [Session: 2020-23 (Previous year)]

Examination Programme for M.C.A.. Semester-V [Session: 2018-21 and 2019-22]

Examination Programme for M.A. Mass Communication Semester-II [Session: 2020-22]

Examination Programme for M.A. Mass Communication Semester-IV [Session: 2018-20 and 2019-21]

Examination Programme for L.L.B. Semester-IV [Session: 2020-23]

Examination Programme for L.L.B. Semester-VI [Session: 2018-21]

Examination Programme for L.L.B. Semester-V [Session: 2019-22]

Examination Programme for L.L.B. Semester-II [Session: 2021-24]

Examination programme for Ph.D. Entrance Examination (PET)-2023

Revised Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com (Hons./Gen./Voc.) Part-III Regular (Backlog) and Vocational [Session: 2019-22]

Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com (Hons./Gen./Voc.) Part-III regular (backlog) and vocational [Session: 2019-22]

Examination form filling schedule of M.A. in Mass Communication Semester-II [Session: 2020-22] and Semester-IV [Session: 2018-20 and 2019-21]

Examination form filling schedule of B.Sc. Nursing 1st year backlog [Session: 2019-23 and 2020-24]

Examination programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com (Hons./Gen./Voc.) Part-III Regular (backlog) and Vocational [Session: 2019-22]

Extended Examination Form Fill up schedule of B.Sc. Nursing 1st year [Session: 2021-25]

Corrigendum: Examination postponed notice of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com (Hons./Gen.) Semester-IV CBCS [Session: 2020-23] and backlog Exam-2022

Examination form filling schedule of B.Sc, Nursing 1st year [Session: 2021-25]

Examination form filling schedule of L.L.B. Semester-IV [Session: 2020-23] and Semester-V [Session: 2018-21]

Examination form filling schedule of L.L.B. Semester-II [Session: 2021-24] Exam-2023

Extended examinations form fill up schedule of P.G. Semester-1 [Session: 2021-23] and P.G. Semester-1 backlog [all sessions] Examination-2022

Revised Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Hons./Gen.) Semester-IV CBCS [Session: 2020-23] and Backlog Examination-2022

Examination Programme for M.A./M.Sc./M.Com. Semester-I [Session: 2021-23] and backlog

Revised Examination Programme for MBBS 1st year [Session: 2021-25]

Examination form fill up schedule of PG Semester-1 [Session: 2021-23] and PG Semester-1 backlog (all session)

Revised examination form filling schedule of MBBS 1st year [Session: 2021-25]

Revised programme for M.C.A. Semester-1 [Session: 2021-23]

Examination programme for B.Ed. 1st year [Session: 2021-23]

Examination programme for M.C.A. Semester-1 [Session: 2021-23]

Examination programme for MBBS 1st year [Session: 2021-25]

Revised examination programme for MBBS IInd year (Supplementary) [Session: 2019-23]

Revised form filling schedule of M.B.A. Semester-I [Session: 2021-23] Examination-2022

Examination programme of M.B.A. Semester-1 [Session: 2021-23]

Form filling schedule of MBBS 1st year [Session: 2021-25]

Form filling schedule of B.Ed. 1st year [Session: 2021-23]

Examination Programme for MBBS 2nd year (supplementry) Examination-2022 [Session: 2019-23]

Revised (on 03.12.2022) Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com (Hons./Gen.) Semester-VI CBCS [Session: 2019-22] and backlog Examination-2022

UG Semester-VI (General Course) के वैसे छात्र, जो फॉर्म नहीं भर सके है, के लिये आवश्यक सूचना

Revised Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.com (Hons/Gen) Semester-VI CBCS [Session: 2019-22] and backlog Exam-2022

Revised programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.com Part-I (Hons./Gen./Voc.) All backlog Examination-2022

Examination Centre for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com (Hons./Gen.) Semester VI CBCS [Session: 2019-22] and backlog Examination-2022

Examination Centre for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com Part-I (Hons./Gen./Voc.) All backlog Examination-2022

Examination Centre for U.G. Part-II Vocation Hons. All backlog Examination-2022

Extended Examination Form Filling schedule of U.G. Semester-IV [Session: 2020-23 and backlog] and U.G. Semester-VI [Session: 2019-22 & Ex-Regular] Examination-2022

Examination Programme of U.G. Part-II Vocational Hons. All Backlog Examination-2022

Programme of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com Part-I (Hons./Gen./Voc.) All Backlog Examination-2022

Revised Examination Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.com (Hons/Gen) Semester-VI CBCS [Session: 2019-22] and backlog Exam-2022

Revised Examination form fill up schedule of MDS 3rd year Exam-2022 [Session: 2019-22]

Examination Form Filling Schedule of BDS 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year (Supplementary) Exam-2022

Examination Form Filling Schedule of UG Part-II (Vocational Course) [Session:2018-21] Exam-2022

UG Part-III old course form filling आवश्यक सूचना

Examination Form Filling Schedule of MBBS-IInd year (Supplementary) Exam-2022

Examination form filling schedule of UG Part-I (Vocational Course) [Session: 2021-24] Exam-2022

Revised Examination Centre for B.A./B.Sc./B.com. Semester-I (All backlog) Exam-2022

Revised Examination Centre for B.A./B.Sc./B.com. (Hons./Gen.) Semester-II CBCS [Session: 2021-24] and Backlog Exam-2022

Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Hons./Gen.) Semester-II CBCS [Session: 2021-24] and backlog Examination-2022

Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Semester-I (All backlog) Examination-2022

Corrigendum - Examination Programme of M.A. in Mass Communication Semester-III [Session: 2018-20 and 2019-21] Exam-2022

Examination Programme of M.A. in Mass Communication Semester-I [Session: 2020-22] and Semester-III [Session: 2018-20 and 2019-21] Exam-2022

Examination Programme for LLB Semester-IV [Session: 2019-21] Exam-2022

Examination Centre List for M.A./M.Sc./M.Com Semester-IV and backlog[Session: 2020-22] Exam-2022

Examination from filling schedule of L.L.B. Semster-V [Session: 2018-21], Semester-IV [Session: 2019-22] and Semester-V [Session: 2018-21] Exam-2022

Examination Programme for LLB Semester-III [Session: 2020-23] Exam-2022

Examination Programme for LLB Semester-I [Session: 2021-24] Exam-2022

Examination Programme for M.A/M.Sc./M.com Semester-IV and backlog [Session: 2020-22] Exam-2022

Examination Programme for MCA Semester-IV [Session: 2019-22] Exam-2022

Examination Programme for MCA Semester-II [Session: 2020-22] Exam-2022

Examination schedule for B.Ed. 2nd (Final) year Practical Exam-2022 [Session: 2020-22]

Extended Examination Form Fill up schedule for PG Semester-IV [Session: 2020-22] and backlog PG Semester-IV

Examination Centre List for B.Ed. 2nd Year [Session: 2020-22]

Examination Programme for B.Ed. 2nd Year {Session: 2020-22] Exam-2022

Examination Programme for M.B.A. Semester-II [Session: 2020-22] Exam-2021

Examination Programme for B.Sc. Nursing 1st year [Session: 2020-24] Exam-2021

Examination Programme for M.B.A. Semester-IV [Session: 2019-21] Exam-2021

Examination Programme for M.Ed. Semester-IV [Session: 2017-19] Exam-2019

Examination from filling schedule of M.C.A. Semeser-II [Session: 2020-22] Semester-Iv [Session: 2019-21] Exam-2022

Examination from filling schedule of L.L.B. Semster-III [Session: 2020-23], Semester-IV [Session: 2019-22] and Semester-V [Session: 2018-21] Exam-2022

Examination Form Filling Schedule of P.G. Semester-IV [Session: 2020-22] Examination-2022 and backlog of P.G. Semester-IV

Extended Examination Form Filling Schedule for B.Ed. 2nd Year [Session: 2020-22] Examination-2022

Examination Schedule for M.B.A. Semester-II [Session: 2020-22] and semester-IV [Session: 2019-21] Examination-2022

Important Notice Re. Form Filling of UG Semester-I [Session: 2021-24] and all backlog

Examination form filling schedule of B.Ed. 2nd year [Session: 2020-22] Exam-2022

Examination form filling schedule of L.L.B. Semester-I [Session: 2021-24] Exam-2022

Examination form filling schedule of M.Ed. Semester-I [Session: 2020-22] and Semester-IV [Session: 2017-19] Exam-2022

Examination form filling schedule of U.G. Part-III old course [Session: 2017-20] Exam-2022

Examination Form Filling Schedule for B.Sc. Nursing 1st year [Session: 2020-24] Exam-2021

Urgent Exam Notice (11.07.2022) regarding UG 3rd Sem (DSC-Economics General - Exam Date: 12/07/2022)

Revised Examination Programme for MBBS 2nd year Practical Examination-2021 [Session: 2019-23]

(Revised 28.06.2022) Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Hons/Gen) Sem-III CBCS [Session: 2020-23] and backlog Exam-2022

Centre list of UG Sem-III [Session: 2020-23] Exam-2022

Examination Pragramme for MCA Sem-4 Exam-2021 [Session: 2018-21]

Form filling schedule of M.A. in Mass Communication Sem-1 [Session: 2020-22], Sem-3 [Session: 2018-20 and 2019-21] Exam-2021

Examination Programme for B.Sc. Nursing IInd year Exam-2021 [Session: 2019-23]

Urgent notice regarding examination to be held on 20-Jun-2022

Examination Cancelation Notice-MBBS 2nd Year Pactical Exam

Revised Programme for MBBS 2nd Year Practical Exam-2021 [Session: 2019-23]

List of Examination Center of PG Sem-III [Session: 2020-22] and UG Sem-V [Session: 2019-22]

Extended Examination Form Filling Schedule for UG Sem-III [Session: 2020-23] and Sem-V [Session: 2019-22] Exam-2022

Extended Examination Form filling schedule for PG Sem-III [Session: 2020-22] and all backlog Exam-2022

Revised Programme of UG Sem-V (B.A., B.Sc., B.Com) (Hons./Gen.) [Session: 2019-22] and PG Sem-III (M.A., M.Sc., M.Com) [Session: 2020-22] Exam-2022

Extended Examination Form filling schedule for UG Sem-III [Session: 2020-23] and Sem-V [Session: 2019-22] Exam-2022

Extended Examination Form filling schedule for PG Sem-III Examination-2-22 [Session: 2020-22]

Re-extended examination from filling schedule for UG Sem-I,II,III and V (All backlogs) Exam-2022

Examination schedule for UG (Hons/Gen) Sem-V (2019-22) and PG Sem-III (2020-22) Exam-2022

Form filling up schedule of UG Sem-I,II,III and V (All backlog) Exam-2022

Form filling up schedule of PG Sem-III (Session 2020-22) Exam-2022

Form filling up schedule of UG Part-II (Session 2019-22 and 2020-23) Exam-2022

Form filling up schedule of UG Semester-III (Session 2020-23) and Semester-V (Session 2019-22)

Examination programme for MBBS IInd year Exam-2021 [Session: 2019-23]

Form filling schedule for UG Semester-I, II, III and V (All backlog) Examination-2022

Form filling schedule for B.Sc. Nursing IInd year [Session: 2019-23]

Extended Examination form fill up schedule of UG Sem-1 & Sem-2 and UG Part-1 Exam-2022 [Session: 2021-24]

Form filling schedule for MBBS 2nd year Exam-2021 [Session: 2019-23]

Examination Programme of BDS Annaul-2021

Form Filling Schedule of BDS - 1st Year (2020-24), 2nd Year (2019-23), 3rd year (2018-22) and Find Year (2017-21) Exam-2022

Examination Programme of PG Semester-IV 2021

Revised Programme for MCA Semester-III Examination-2021

Examination Schedule for U.G. Part-III (Old Course) Hons./Gen./Voc. Practical Examination

Form Filling Schedule for MCA Semester VI Session: 2017-20]

Form Filling Schedule for M.Ed. Semester III [Session: 2019-21]

Examination Programme for MDS Examination-2022 [Session: 2018_21]

Examination Programme for MDS Examination-2022 [Session: 2017_20]

Form Filling Schedule for B.Ed. 1st year (Session: 2020-22) Examination-2022

Examination Programme of B.Tech VIII Semester Examination-2021

Examination Programme of B.Tech VII Semester Examination-2021

Form Filling Schedule for UG Part III (Old Course) Examination

Revised Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Hons. / Gen. / Voc.) Part III Examination-2021

Revised Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Hons. & Gen.) Semester VI CBCS (Session: 2018-2021) Examination-2022

Form Filling Schedule for UG Part III (All Vocational Courses) Session: 2018-21

Form Filling Schedule for UG Part III (Old Course) Examination 2022

Form Filling Schedule of UG Semester V and Vi (Session 2018-21) Exam 2021

Form Filling Schedule of MDS - Final Year (Session 2017-20 and 2018-21) Exam 2022

Form Filling Schedule of BDS - 1st Year (2020-24), 2nd Year (2019-23), 3rd Year (2018-22) and Final Year (2017-21) Exam 2022

Form Filling Schedule PG Sem I & II (2020-22)

Form Filling Schedule of UG Sem I & II (2020-23)

Form Filling Schedule of UG Sem III & IV (2019-22) and PG Sem III & IV (2019-21) 

Notice Regarding Form Filling Schedule postponed of UG Sem III & IV (2019-22) 

Examination Programme for BDS supplementary Examination-2022  

Examination Programme for B.Sc. (Nursing) 1st  year supplementary Examination-2022 [Session: 2017-19]  

Examination programme for MBA Sem III Examination-2022 [Session: 2019-2021]  

Examination Programme for MBA Sem IV [Session: 2018-2020]  

Examination Programme for MCA Sem III Examination-2022 [Session: 2019-22]  

Notice regarding Extended form filling dates with late fine for Sem II [2019_22] & sem IV [2018_21]  

Form Filling Schedule for UG Semester 3 & 4 [Session: 2019-22], 5 & 6 [Session: 2018-21]  

Notice for All Vocational Examination Form filling UG I 

Notice for Examination Form filling UG Sem II & IV (General) 

Notice for Extended examination form filling PG I & II 

Notice for Extended UG sem I & II Form fillup 

Notice for LLB sem lV & VI form filling 

Notice for Revised Examination form filling schedule of ug sem 1&2 session 2020-2023 

Notice for Revised Examination form filling of pg sem 1&2 session 2020-2022 

Notice for P.G. Sem 1 promotion session 2020-2022 


B.Sc. nursing 1st year supplementary exam form filling 

Corrigendum notice 

LLB semester 1 session 2020 2013 and LLB semester 2 session 2019-2022 exam form filling 

MA mass communication semester 1 exam form filling 

MBA semester 1 exam form filling 


M.Ed. semester 2 exam form filling 

PG semester 1 and semester 2 session 2020-2022 exam form filling 

UG semester 1 and semester 2 session 2020-2023 exam form filling 

Corridendum - UG Part 2 (OldCourse) B.Tech Sem 2 & 3 and MCA Sem 5 Examination 

Examination Programme for B.Ed. 2nd (final) year Practical Examination 2021 [Session: 2019-2021] 

Examination Programme MCA Semester-V Examination 2021 [Session: 2017-2020] 

Examination Programme MBBS 1st Year (supplementary) Examination 2021 [Session: 2019-2023] 

Corrigendum - Examination postponed Notice for UG Part-II (Hons./Gen./Voc.) All backlog Exams 2021 

Examination Programme B.Ed. 2nd (Ex-Regular & Regular) Examination 2021 

Re-Extended U.G. Sem-II & Sem-IV Examination Form Fill up Schedule. 

Examination Programme B.Tech. 8th Sem 2021 

Examination Programme B.Ed. 2nd Year (Ex-Regular & Regular) Examination 2021 

Corrigendum - PG Sem IV Examination 

Urgent notice for backlog Examination 2021 

Information regarding download of Admit Card for PG Sem - I, II, III & IV Sem (Backlog/Ex-Regular/Regular) 

Corrigendum - Examination Postponed Notice for B.P.Ed. 3rd Sem | B.Tech 7th Sem | LLB 4th Sem | MBA 1st Sem | M.A./M.Sc./M.com 3rd Sem | B.A./B.Sc./B.Com 1st Sem 

Examination Programme B.Ed. 1st year (Backlog) 

Examination Programme B.P.Ed. 1st Sem (Backlog) 

Examination Programme B.P.Ed. 3rd Sem (Backlog) 

Examination Programme B.P.Ed. 4th Sem 

Examination Programme B.Tech Sem II (Backlog) 

Examination Programme B.Tech Sem III (Backlog) 

Examination Programme B.Tech Sem V (Backlog) 

Examination Programme B.Tech Sem VI (Backlog) 

Examination Programme B.Tech Sem VII (Backlog) 

Examination Programme B.Tech Sem-IV (Backlog) 

Examination Programme LLB Sem I (Backlog) 

Examination Programme LLB Sem III (Backlog) 

Examination Programme LLB Sem IV (Backlog) 

Examination Programme LLB Sem V (Backlog) 

Examination Programme MBA Sem I (Backlog) 

Examination Programme MBA Sem II (Backlog) 

Examination Programme MBA Sem III (Backlog) 

Examination Programme MCA Sem I (Backlog) 

Examination Programme PG Mass Comm Sem II (Backlog) 

Examination Programme PG Mass Comm Sem IV (Backlog) 

Examination Programme PG Sem I (Backlog) 

Examination Programme PG Sem II (Backlog) 

Examination Programme PG Sem III (Backlog) 

Examination Programme PG Sem-IV (Regular & Backlog) 

Examination Programme UG PART-2 (Backlog) 

Examination Programme UG Sem-I (Backlog) 

Examination Programme UG Sem-II (Backlog) 

Examination Form Filling Schedule of UG Sem-II [Session: 2019-22] and UG Sem-IV [2018-21] Exam 2021 

Examination Form Filling Schedule of B.Ed. 2nd Year Exam 2021 

Examination Form Filling Schedule of PG Sem-I and IV Examination 2021] 

Examination Form Filling Schedule of M.Ed. Sem-I Examination [Session: 2019-21] 

Examination Form Filling Schedule of M.A. in Mass Communication Sem-II and IV Exam 2021 

Re-schedule for B.Ed. 2nd (final) year Practical Examination-2020 (Session 2018-2020) of Kumaresh International B.Ed. College, Rajwadih, Palamu 

Examination Programme for B.Sc Nursing 1st year Examination 2020 (Session 2019-2023) 

Programme for the filling up of Examination Form of B. Tech. 1st, 3rd and 5th Sem. Exam 2020 (All Backlog Papers). 

Extended Examination form filling schedule of UG 1st and 2nd Sem. (Backlog Papers), UG Part-I and 2 ((Hons./Gen./Voc.) Old Course Backlog, PG 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sem. (Backlog Papers) and PG 1st and 2nd Sem. (Backlog Papers). 

Examination Programme for MBBS 1st year Examination (Session 2019-23) 

Examination Form Filling Schedule of MBBS 1st year 2020 (Session 2019-23) 

Examination Programme for B.D.S. Annual Practical Examinations 2020 

Examination Programme for M.D.S. Annual Practical Examinations 2020 (Session 2016-2019) 

Examination Form fill up schedule for UG 1st and 2nd Sem (Backlog papers) UG Part I and II (hons/Gen/Voc), old course backlog, PG 1,2,3,4 Sem (backlog papers), and PG 1st and 2nd sem (backlog papers ) 

UG Sem-III Examination Form fill up schedule 

UG Part-1 (All vocational courses) Examination Form fill up schedule 

Examination Programme for BDS Examination 2020 

Re Extended Examination Form Fill Up Schedule For UG Sem-I and PG Sem I and II 

Extended Form Fill Up Schedule for B.Sc. (Nursing) 

Extended Examination Form Fill Up Schedule for UG (Old Course) Part-II 

Extended Examination Form Fill Up Schedule for BDS 

Extended U.G. Sem I and P.G. Sem I and III Examinations Form Fill up schedule 

Examination Form Fill Up Schedule Nursing 1st Year (Session: 2019-2023) 

Examination Form Fill Up Schedule - BDS 

Revised U.G. Sem - I and P.G. (Sem I and III) from fill up schedule 

Program of B. Tech 2020 8th semester examination 2020 

Programme of M. A. Mass Communication (Ist and IIIrd Sem Exam 2020) 

Online examination form filling of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com(Hons./Gen) Sem-III (2018-21) Exam 2020, M.A./M.Sc./M.Com Sem-III (2018-20) and B.A./B.Sc./B.Com(hons./Gen) Sem-I (2019-22) Exam 2020 and M.A./M.Sc./M.Com Sem-I (2019-21) Exam 2020 is postpond. 

Bachelor of Science (Hons./Gen./Voc.) Part-III Practical Exam 2020 

Bachelor of Arts (Hons./Gen./Voc.) Part-III Practical Exam 2020 

Examination Programme and center of L.L.B. Compartmental Examination of L.L.B. Semester - II and IV Examination 2020 

Programme of M.B.A. IV Semester Exam. 2020 

Examination Programme for B.Ed. IInd Year Examination 2020 (Session 2018-20) 

Schedule for B.Ed. 2nd (Final) Year Practical Exam. 2020 (Session: 2018-20) 

Examination from filling schedule for B.Tech VII Semester 

Revised programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Hons./Gen./Voc.) Part-III Exam 2020 

Examination Guidelines in situation of Covid 19 pandemic 

Extended examination form filling schedule 

Notification of postpone of Exam of UG Part-III Exam 2020

Notification of extension of date for form fill up UG Part-III Exam 2020

Notification of revised Exam Centre of B.A./B.Sc./B.com. (Hons./Gen./Voc.) Part-III Examinations-2020

Exam Guidelines

Programme for B.A./B.Sc./B.com. (Hons./Gen./Voc.) Part-III Examinations-2020 (Corrigendum)